essay writing

A List of 67 Best Transition Words and Phrases for Essays

Have you ever come across essays that transition so easily between topics without seeming jarring? This is because of the transition words for essays, which act as bridges and ensure that you can smoothly move from one idea to another.  

But what are transition words and phrases for essays? In this guide, we’ll look into what transition words are and how to use them. Moreover, we’ll also share a list of transition words with examples of how to use them. 

What are Transition Words? 

Transition words and phrases are basically words that connect two ideas that don’t have an obvious connection. These bridge the gap between ideas and cue the readers that a change is coming, so when the change actually comes, it won’t seem abrupt, and the readers will be expecting it. 

There are various types of transition words, and each type signals a specific change or connection. For example:

  • ‘Therefore’ shows a cause-and-effect relationship. 
  • ‘Whereas’ is used when you are trying to establish a comparison or point out a difference.
  • And transition words like ‘in conclusion,’ ‘hence,’ and ‘to summarize’ indicate a summary or wrap-up. 

 Transition words for essays are the same as those used in other pieces of writing and are used for all types of essays, whether the essay is informative, descriptive, or persuasive. 

Why are Transition Words Important in Essays?

Transition words are an important part of your essays. Why? Because they act as bridges and connect ideas. Other than that, transition words are also crucial for essays because:

  • They enhance readability, making your essays easier to read and understand.
  • They make your essays cohesive, ensuring that the ideas are logically connected. 
  • They act as a guide that helps your readers follow your arguments effortlessly. 

When you add transition words and phrases into your essays, you are creating a smooth narrative that keeps your readers on track. 

How to Use Essay Transition Words?

By now, we know that transition words and phrases are used in transition sentences and help you quickly and smoothly transition between conflicting ideas, helping the readers follow the complex ideas with ease. 

But how should you use essay transition words? Is there a trick behind using them, or can you just use any transition word anywhere? 

Now, it is essential to remember that every sentence in your essay would not need a transition word. These are only to be used when you need to shift from one idea to another, i.e., in your transition sentences. 

Here is how to use essay transition words:

  1. Understand how to use different types of transition words. Remember, different transition words serve different purposes; some are used to add information or show conflicting ideas, while other types can indicate cause and effect or show time. Hence, it is important to first understand the purpose each type of transition word serves. 
  2. Choose transition words that accurately reflect the relationship between two sentences. 
  3. Transition words can either be placed in the beginning or in the middle of the sentence to show the transition of ideas. 
  4. Don’t overuse your transition words or repeat the same transition word over and over again, as it can make your essay look redundant or repetitive. 
  5. Be sure to use transition words that won’t compromise the clarity of your sentence.

Let’s Look at a Few Examples!

Read the following two sentences:

The proposed solution to the problem did not work. We tried a second solution.

The proposed solution to the problem did not work. Therefore, we tried a second solution.

Although both sentences are grammatically correct, the second one makes more sense because of the transition word ‘therefore,’ which signals to your readers that a specific situation had a certain effect.

Let’s look at another example:

I got to the airport two hours early. However, my flight was delayed.

The addition of the transition word ‘however’ here prepares your readers to expect a contrast. If the transition word was not used here, the sentence might have seemed jarring. Moreover, some of your readers would have wanted to reread the sentence in order to understand the meaning.

Here is another example of transition words for essays:

First, you need to fill the pan with water and then wait for it to boil. Lastly, add the noodles and wait for them to cook

In the above-mentioned example, the transition words show a relationship of time and indicate what happens first and what follows. Other transition words of time include finally, consequently, afterward, and so on.

It is also essential to note here that transition words are not always sentence starters but can also occur in the middle of the sentence or even at the end of the sentence. Transition words and phrases like ‘also,’ ‘too,’ orabove all’ come at the end of the sentence as well.

Transition Word List for Essays

Here is a list of good transition words for essays. We have divided our transition word list into various categories for the sake of convenience and understanding. Each of the transition words is followed by an example to clarify its use further. 

Essay Transition Word List to Add Additional Comments or Ideas

When you want to add further information, comments, or ideas to a topic, consider using the following transition words and phrases for essays.

  • additionally / in addition

You can pay the bills over the Internet. Additionally, you can check your balance or order statements. 

In addition to paying your bills over the Internet, you can check your balance and order statements as well. 

  • moreover

Moreover, this brew appears to kill insects faster than either of its ingredients alone. 

  • furthermore

She always arrives on time; furthermore, her work is always excellent. 

  • besides

The decision, besides being practical, is morally right. 

  • too

She decided to sell the house and furniture, too.

  • correspondingly

It has fewer problems and correspondingly requires less maintenance.

Essay Transition Word List for Contradiction or Alternatives

To highlight differences, contradictions, and alternative ideas, the following are the best transition words for essays.

  • whereas

He works slowly and precisely, whereas I tend to rush things and make mistakes.

  • however

I am all out of eggs. However, I can still make us a nice breakfast. 

  • in comparison

He is a well-behaved child in comparison with his brother.

  • nevertheless

The math test was very hard. Nevertheless, she earned a good grade.

  • nonetheless

Kate wasn’t sure if she would like her new school, she made tons of new friends nonetheless. 

  • otherwise

You should better tell him about the letter. Otherwise, he’ll be angry.

  • on the other hand

On the one hand, I’d like a job that pays more, but on the other hand, I enjoy the work I am doing at the moment. 

  • on the contrary

I thought Jim didn’t like melons. On the contrary, he loves them.  

  • unlike 

Unlike many other vitamins, B12 is rarely found in fruits and vegetables. 

  • Notwithstanding

Notwithstanding a brilliant defense, he was found guilty. 

Essay Transition Word List for Time

If you want to indicate the timing of events or sequence, the following transition words can come in handy.

  • after

After we finally settled in Australia, my father had to go back to Canada for a meeting.

  • afterwards

I have to attend a meeting; I will call you afterward.

  • during

I woke up several times during the night.

  • earlier

When I interviewed her earlier, this is what she said. 

  • in the meantime

The new computers won’t arrive until next week, but you can keep on working on the old ones in the meantime. 

  • later

They later regretted the decision.

  • simultaneously

He wore headphones, spoke into the microphone, and simultaneously responded to a dozen chat windows open on his computer.

Essay Transition Word List for Cause and Effect

In sentences that indicate the cause and effect, you can use the following transition words. 

  • since

Since you were ill, I decided to do all the chores at home. 

  • therefore

I slept late last night. Therefore, I wasn’t able to wake up earlier today.

  • thus

No one showed up to water aerobics. Thus, the class was canceled.

  • for that reason

I decided to take up yoga, and for that reason, I am much calmer.

  • as a result

He sprained his wrist, and as a result, he won’t be playing in the tournament. 

  • on the account of 

Dinner was somewhat delayed on account of David’s late arrival.

  • because

She spoke quietly because she didn’t want Catherine to hear.

  • hence

She has just got a pay raise, hence the new car. 

Essay Transition Word List for Combination

You can even use transition words to combine a series of events or part of elements that make up something bigger. 

  • and, or 

Many students have extra classes in the evenings and / or at weekends.

  • first, firstly

First, mix the flour.

  • second, secondly

There are two reasons why I am angry. Firstly, you are late, and secondly, you have forgotten your homework. 

  • last, lastly, finally

Finally, she has arrived.

Essay Transition Word List for Examples

If you want to explain the topic further with the help of examples, you should use the following transition words. 

  • for example

A driving test, for example, is something we expect all competent adults to be able to pass. 

  • for instance

For instance, we could develop our own service. 

  • namely

The scene showed off his best qualities, namely his quick wit and perfect timing. 

  • to illustrate

To illustrate, if you eat five apples a day, you will get an ample supply of vitamins and minerals.`

  • in particular / particularly

his decision led to some arguments with his family, in particular his brother.

Essay Transition Word List for Emphasis on the Earlier Statement

To place emphasis on the earlier statement, consider using the following transition words for essays.

  • in the final analysis

It was a difficult decision, but in the final analysis, it was the right choice. 

  • despite

He was able to lead a normal life despite the illness. 

  • in spite of  

he got the job in spite of his prison record. 

  • while x may be true

While this may be true, this reason may be not persuasive. 

Essay Transition Word List For Extra Clarification

To further clarify the subject, you can use the following transition words and phrases for essays. 

  • In other words

She said the movie was a bit predictable; in other words, she did not like it. 

  • To clarify

To clarify, there are several methods to purify water.

  • Undoubtedly

Undoubtedly, this is the best dessert I have ever had. 

  • Indeed

It was indeed he who saw Sameul last. 

Transition Words from Paragraph to Paragraph for Essays

Other than the list of transition words we have shared above, some transition words can be used between paragraphs to make the transition from one idea to another between paragraphs easier and smoother.

Here is a list of transition words that can be used from paragraph to paragraph in your essays. 

If your second paragraph supports the statements in the first paragraph, you should use the following transition words:

  • Furthermore

Furthermore, several studies have confirmed these findings.

  • What’s more

What’s more shocking than this is that a similar unrealistic approach is observed among both parties. 

  • Similarly

Similarly, he has impressive records in sports. 

  • Supporting evidence finds

Supporting evidence finds global warming is directly linked to human activity. 

  • likewise

Likewise, most chefs like trying new foods. 

However, if your second paragraph contradicts the first one, the following transition words should be ideally used.

  • However

However, the same might not be true when it comes to bacteria.

  • Nevertheless

Nevertheless, they continued their journey.

  • Contradictory evidence finds

Contradictory evidence finds that free-market environmentalism is the right approach to countering pollution.

  • Despite the above points

Despite the above points, people still believe in supernatural beings and powers. 

Transition Words for Conclusion

Conclusions are an important part of your essay. Effective transition within an essay, especially the conclusion, depends on the accuracy of the use of ending transition words

Here is a list of good transition words for the conclusion with examples.

  • All in all

All in all, nowadays, it is best to sell products both online and in stores.

  • All things considered

All things considered, it seems the new tax imposed by the government will make the wealthy wealthier and the poor poorer.

  • By and large

By and large, horror movies have become extremely predictable. 

  • For the most part

For the most part, they kept out of local disputes,

  • Given these points

Given these points, it is easy to see how the two approaches differ.

  • In conclusion

In conclusion, it would not be wrong to say that all dogs are loyal. 

  • In essence

In essence, Malcolm X advocated for African Americans to exercise their right to vote. 

  • In short

In short, global warming will lead to an increase in infectious diseases, further stressing human health.

  • To summarize

To summarize, the economic infrastructure of many countries will be severely strained by global warming. 

  • To sum up

To sum up, many regions in developed countries will be vulnerable to rising sea levels. 

When using transition words in your sentences, it is important to remember that they don’t always come at the beginning of the sentence; they can come in the middle and occasionally at the end of the sentence as well.

To Sum Up

Transition words in essays can transform your writing from good to great. These words not only make your essay easy to read but also help your readers follow your argument with ease. 

Struggling with writing essays? Head over to My Essays Writer and get the assistance you need for your essays. 


Q: What are essay transition words?

A: Essay transition words are words and phrases that connect two ideas that don’t have an obvious connection. These bridge the gap between ideas and cue the readers that a change is coming.

Q: How many types of essay transition words are there?

A: According to their use, essay transition words can be divided into various categories, including:

  • Causation
  • Chronology
  • Combinations
  • Contrast
  • Example
  • Clarification
  • Conclusion
  • Addition

Q: How do transition words improve your essay writing?

A: Transition words enhance the readability and coherence of your essays and guide the readers through your argument. 

Q: How many times should I use transition words in my essay?

A: When using transition words in your essays, it is important to use them sparingly. Overusing transition words can make your essay seem redundant and repetitive.


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