essay writing

Transition Words for Conclusion: Explanation and Examples

Our worlds are filled with chaos but our essays shouldn’t be and transition words make sure of that. If we want to make our essay sound well-structured and connected, we need to use transition words. While transitions are essential for the entire essay, transition words for conclusion are the most crucial. Since a conclusion is a compact summary of the entire essay, it should sound well-written. In order to make our essay’s conclusion more clear and concise, we must use appropriate transition words in the conclusive paragraph.

Although there are hundreds of transition words in the English language, we have compiled a list of the ones commonly used in essays. So, please continue reading to find out an extensive list of transition words with examples.

What are transition words?

Assignment writing requires a clear and concise conveyance of information and transition words help students achieve this goal. In other words, transition words establish a logical connection between different sentences, paragraphs, and sections of the essay. These words are also known as connecting or linking words that help link different ideas in an essay.

It becomes easier for the reader to follow different arguments presented within the essay if we use proper transition words.

Types of Transitions

A transition in an essay can be in the form of a single word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph. But whatever be the case, it functions the same way. First of all, a transitional word directly summarizes the preceding sentence/paragraph. After summarizing the preceding content, it allows the reader to anticipate new information.

Generally, there are three common types of transitions within an essay:

  • Between Sections

Usually, longer essays and papers require transitional paragraphs after each section. These paragraphs help the reader revisit the information presented in the entire section that they just read.

  • Between Paragraphs

A transition between paragraphs is the most commonly used one. If the paragraphs are well organized, transitional words or sentences will make the relationship between the two paragraphs clearer.

  • Between Sentences

The transition between sentences usually uses a single word to connect one sentence to the next. It acts as a cue for the reader to anticipate the coming sentence. For instance, transition words for conclusion indicate that the writer is trying to summarize the entire essay and wrapping up the discussion.

Examples of Transition Words for Conclusion

Effective transitions within an essay, especially the conclusion, depend on the writer’s ability to understand transition words. If a writer is well-versed in transitional words, he/she will be successful in conveying the correct logical relationship between sentences/paragraphs.

Below, we have presented a table containing different transitional expressions along with the logical relationship that they represent. Although these words are generally used to represent the same logical relationship, they may have slightly different meanings. Therefore, writers must be careful while choosing a transition word from this list and not treat them as synonyms.

Let’s see which transitional words represent what logical relationship:

Logical RelationshipTransitional Expressions
Similarityalso, in the same way, just as … so too, likewise, similarly
Contrastbut, however, in contrast, in spite of, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, on the contrary, on the one hand … on the other hand, still, yet
Sequence/Orderfinally, first, next, second, then, third
Timeafter, afterward, at last, before, currently, during, earlier, immediately, later, meanwhile, now, recently, simultaneously, subsequently, then
Examplefor example, for instance, namely, specifically, to illustrate
Emphasiseven, indeed, in fact, of course, truly
Place/Positionabove, adjacent, below, beyond, here, in back, in front, nearby, there
Cause and Effectaccordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus
Additional Supportadditionally, again, also, and, as well, besides, equally important, further, furthermore, in addition, moreover, then
Conclusion/Summarybriefly, finally, in a word, in brief, in conclusion, in sum, in summary, in the end, in the final analysis, on the whole, thus, to conclude, to summarize, to sum up

List of Conclusion Transitions with Examples

Below, we have shared a list of transition words for conclusion with example sentences. So, continue reading to learn how to use these expressions in your essay:

Starting with A

  • after all

She and her friends decided to not come to the party, after all.

  • all in all

He may not be an exceptional student, but all in all, he did well in his exams.

  • all things considered

All things considered, they did well on the final project.

  • altogether

Wickedness does not go altogether unrequited.

  • as can be seen

As can be seen in the diagram, these animals have two long teeth.

  • as has been noted

Photography, as has been noted, is a cruel and tender medium.

  • as shown above

It is possible, as shown above, to use transition words in the entire essay and not only in the conclusion paragraph.

Starting with B

  • by and large

They were, by and large, very wealthy, privileged elite.

Starting with D

  • definitely

We think you still need someone here, but you are definitely getting better.

Starting with F

  • for the most part

For the most part, my boss’s family seemed quite friendly.

Starting with G

  • generally speaking

Generally speaking, the painting is in much better shape than we anticipated.

  • given these points

Given these points, it is clear that transitional words or phrases help build logical relationships between sentences, paragraphs, or sections in an essay writing.

Starting with I

  • in a word

If I had to explain this painting in a word, it would be marvelous.

  • in any event

I may not be able to go home next month, but in any event, I will be home for Christmas.

  • in brief

In brief, I have made up my mind to leave the city.

  • in conclusion

In conclusion, we can say that transition words are an essential element of a well-structured essay.

  • in either case

Police said they have yet to find suspects in either case.

  • in essence

In essence, all human beings have a flawed nature.

  • in fact

The rumor is without foundation in fact.

  • in short

In short, transition words help us understand the logical relationship between two sentences or paragraphs.

  • in summary

In summary, this article about transition words for the conclusion covers the topic thoroughly.

  • in the final analysis

In the final analysis, the only people who will benefit are the rich elites.

  • in the long run

You will find it beneficial in the long run.

Starting with O

  • obviously

Obviously, social media has both advantages and disadvantages.

  • on balance

On balance, the book is a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to physics.

  • on the whole

On the whole, the boss was happy with the meeting’s outcome.

  • ordinarily

Ordinarily, she does not like going to the mall for shopping for groceries.

  • overall

Overall, the tone of this essay is informative as it provides enough details about the topic under discussion.

Starting with T

  • to summarize

I would like to take a moment to summarize the facts that I presented earlier.

  • to sum up

To sum up, there are three common types of transitions used in an essay.

Starting with U

  • ultimately

Ultimately, the war had to end; it cost too much in both lives and money.

  • usually

Usually, I buy new books when I have finished reading the ones I already own.


This article has described in detail why transition words for conclusion are essential. Moreover, it also contains an extensive list of general transition words as well as conclusion transition words. So, students who want to learn more about transition words to craft better essays can benefit from this article.


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