Content Writing

How to Write a Summary of an Article (Steps with Examples)

Writing a clear and concise summary of an article is a useful skill, particularly for students, researchers, and professionals. This is a most frequent question being mostly asked, how to write a summary of an article? Here are the steps to help you shared with me by my essay writer instructor to write an effective summary, along with some examples to illustrate the process:

Steps to Write a Summary of an Article

Steps to Write a Summary of an Article
  1. Read the Article Thoroughly: Begin by reading the article to understand its main points, arguments, and overall message. Take your time to read it a few times if necessary to grasp the content fully.
  2. Identify the Main Points: Determine the key points that the author has made throughout the article. These will form the backbone of your summary. Look for the thesis statement, typically found in the introduction, and the topic sentences in each paragraph.
  3. Take Notes and Highlight: As you read, take notes or highlight important facts, statistics, or statements. This will help you recall significant details and organize your thoughts for the summary.
  4. Write the Summary: Begin drafting your summary by including the article’s title, author, and main point in the first sentence. Then, explain the supporting arguments or ideas succinctly, using your own words. Aim to keep the summary short, typically about 10% of the original article’s length.
  5. Use Direct Quotations Sparingly: If a specific turn of phrase is crucial to the author’s argument, you may include it as a direct quote. However, summaries should primarily consist of paraphrasing.
  6. Review for Accuracy: After writing your summary, go back and compare it with the article to ensure you’ve accurately represented the author’s points without adding your interpretation or opinion.
  7. Edit and Revise: Finally, refine your summary for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Ensure it flows well and is easy to read.

Examples of summaries for articles

Here below are the article summary examples to provide you with an understanding of  how to write a summary of an article along with examples of how to write summaries of the articles.

Original Article Title: “The Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Erosion”

Summary: In the article “The Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Erosion,” the author Jane Doe discusses the increasing threat of erosion due to rising sea levels and stronger ocean currents, both consequences of global warming. Doe highlights several studies showing that coastal regions are losing significant land area each year, which poses risks to habitats and human settlements. The author calls for enhanced coastal management strategies to mitigate these effects.

Example of a Detailed Point-by-Point Summary:

Original Article Title: “Innovations in Renewable Energy Technology”

Summary: The article by John Smith, titled “Innovations in Renewable Energy Technology,” outlines recent advancements in solar and wind energy systems. Smith details how new solar panel designs have doubled efficiency rates compared to older models.

Additionally, he describes innovations in wind turbine technology that allow for better energy capture even at low wind speeds. Smith emphasizes the potential of these technologies to significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease Green House gas emissions.

Key Techniques

To write a compelling and concise summary, several key techniques are essential. These techniques help in distilling the essence of an article into a brief yet comprehensive form. Here, we’ll discuss the major techniques such as identifying main ideas, condensing content effectively, and using paraphrasing.

Identifying Main Ideas

1. Read for Understanding: Before you attempt to summarize, read the article thoroughly to grasp its overall meaning and intent. This includes understanding the context, the problem being addressed, and the author’s perspective.

2. Locate the Thesis Statement: Typically, the thesis statement will give you the main argument or point of the article. It’s often found in the introduction or conclusion.

3. Highlight Key Points: As you read, highlight or note key points and supporting evidence. Look for topic sentences in each paragraph, as they usually summarize the main idea of that paragraph.

4. Use the Structure of the Article: Authors often organize their content with headings and subheadings that can help you identify major sections and corresponding key ideas.

Condensing Content Effectively

Condensing Content Effectively

1. Eliminate Redundant or Non-Essential Information: Focus on core information, ignoring detailed examples, anecdotes, or descriptive passages unless they are central to understanding the main argument.

2. Focus on Core Concepts and Results: Especially in technical or research articles, focus on the hypotheses, methodologies, results, and good transition words for the conclusion. Leave out the detailed explanations of procedures unless they are revolutionary or unique.

3. Summarize Data and Statistics: Instead of listing all data points or statistical findings, summarize them in a way that reflects their contribution to the author’s arguments or findings.

Using Paraphrasing

1. Rewrite in Your Own Words: Read a section of text, and then put it aside. Write down what you remember, using your own words. This practice helps ensure that you’re not copying the original text.

2. Use Synonyms: Where appropriate, use synonyms for key terms used in the original text to avoid repeating the same vocabulary, which might be too close to the original wording.

3. Change the Structure of Sentences: If the original sentence is passive, consider changing it to active voice, or change the sentence structure while maintaining the original meaning.

4. Integrate and Simplify Complex Ideas: When dealing with complex ideas or technical content, break it down and integrate it into simpler concepts that are easier to understand and convey in a summary.

Example of Technique Application

Original Text: “Researchers found that the new treatment was 30% more effective than existing methods. It reduced recovery times significantly, leading to shorter hospital stays and fewer complications.”

Paraphrased Summary: “The study indicated that the novel treatment improved efficiency by 30%, enhancing patient recovery rates and reducing both hospitalization duration and the incidence of complications.”

By practicing these techniques, you can enhance your ability to write clear, concise, and accurate summaries. Each technique helps ensure that the summary remains true to the original text’s intent and message while being brief and to the point.

Common mistakes to avoid

When writing an article, it’s important to be mindful of several common pitfalls that can detract from the quality and effectiveness of your piece. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Lack of Clear Focus

Mistake: Starting to write without a clear thesis or central idea can lead the article to lack direction and coherence.

Solution: Before writing, define a clear purpose or thesis statement and structure your article around supporting this main idea.

  1. Inadequate Research

Mistake: Insufficient research leads to factual inaccuracies, superficial content, and a lack of depth, which can undermine your credibility. 

Solution: Conduct thorough research from credible sources. Ensure you understand the topic deeply before you begin writing.

  1. Overcomplicated Writing

Mistake: Using overly complex language or jargon can make the article difficult to understand for your target audience. 

Solution: Use clear, concise language. Tailor the complexity of your vocabulary and sentence structure to the knowledge level of your intended audience.

  1. Poor Structure and Organization

Mistake: Disorganized content can confuse readers and make it difficult for them to follow your argument or narrative. 

Solution: Use a logical structure with headings, subheadings, and paragraphs to break up text. Make sure each section flows logically into the next.

  1. Neglecting SEO Best Practices

Mistake: Ignoring SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can result in less online visibility and lower traffic to your article. 

Solution: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally, use meta descriptions, and optimize images and headings to improve search engine rankings and visibility.

  1. Failing to Engage the Reader

Mistake: Not connecting with the audience can result in a lack of engagement and interest. 

Solution: Use a conversational tone, ask questions, provide relatable examples, and directly address the reader to keep them engaged.

  1. Not Proofreading

Mistake: Submitting an article with grammatical errors, typos, or awkward phrasing can make it seem unprofessional. 

Solution: Always proofread your work multiple times or use – – grammar-checking tools. If possible, have someone else review your work.

  1. Plagiarism

Mistake: Copying content without proper attribution is unethical and can lead to legal issues and severe reputational damage. 

Solution: Always cite your sources appropriately and strive to create original content. Use plagiarism detection tools to ensure your work is unique.

  1. Ignoring the Audience’s Needs

Mistake: Failing to consider what the audience wants or needs to know can result in an article that doesn’t resonate or provide value. 

Solution: Understand your audience’s interests, problems, and knowledge level. Tailor your content to meet their needs and answer their questions.

  1. Over-promotion

Mistake: Excessive self-promotion or overt marketing within an article can turn readers off. 

Solution: Provide value first—focus on informing, entertaining, or solving a problem. If you incorporate promotional content, make sure it’s relevant and subtle.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can improve the quality of your articles, enhance readability, and better connect with your readers.


  • Be Neutral and Objective: Your summary should be neutral, presenting the information without bias.
  • Avoid First-Person: Unless you are reflecting on the article in a separate commentary, avoid using first-person pronouns.
  • Keep It Brief: Focus on condensing the article in a way that captures the essence but omits extraneous details.

By following these steps and utilizing the examples and tips provided, you can create an effective and accurate summary of any article as well as you can provide the very best essay writing services by meeting the difficult writing challenges amazingly.


What is the purpose of writing a summary?

The main purpose of writing a summary is to provide a concise and clear encapsulation of the major ideas of a longer document or piece of text. It helps readers quickly understand the key points without needing to read the entire article.

How long should a summary be?

Typically, a summary should be about 10% to 15% of the original article’s length. However, the exact length can depend on the article’s complexity and the summary’s purpose. For academic or professional purposes, it’s best to keep it concise.

What should be included in a summary?

A summary should include the main ideas and key points of the article, including the thesis or main argument, supporting points, and the conclusion. It should omit most examples, detailed data, and secondary information.

Can I use direct quotes from the article?

Yes, but sparingly. A summary should primarily consist of your own words through paraphrasing. Direct quotes should be used only when a specific phrase is particularly significant or when it’s crucial to preserve the author’s original meaning.

How do I avoid plagiarism when summarizing?

To avoid plagiarism, always write the summary in your own words and cite the original article properly. If you must use direct quotes, make sure they are enclosed in quotation marks and attributed correctly.

What’s the difference between a summary and an abstract?

A summary is a concise version of an article written for the reader to grasp the main ideas quickly, often written by someone other than the original author. An abstract, however, is a brief overview of an article’s contents, usually written by the original author, and is intended to give a preview of the article’s content before reading the full text.

How do I start a summary?

Start your summary by mentioning the article’s title, the author’s name, and the main point or thesis of the article. This helps set the context for the reader and introduces the subject being summarized.

What are common mistakes to avoid when writing a summary?

Common mistakes include adding personal opinion, including too much detail, not emphasizing the main points enough, poor organization, and failing to accurately represent the author’s intentions.

How can I improve my summary writing skills?

Practice summarizing different types of articles, seek feedback and compare your summaries with others to see how they captured the key points. Reading a variety of summaries can also provide insights into different styles and techniques


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